Brown Tree Snake

Weakly venomous

Species Name: Boiga irregularis
Other Name: Night Tiger

Significance to Humans

Weakly venomous, not considered dangerous to humans

General Description

Slender snake with a large head and large “Cat” like eyes, usually orangy brown in colour in the Sydney region.

Average Length

1.2 metres with occasional specimens reaching 1.8 metres.

Habitat in Sydney Region

Usually in woodland forrested areas.

General Habits

Nocturnal (Active by night)


Birds and their eggs, and small mammals. Some frogs and reptiles.

Local distribution

Common to the northern side of Sydney extending up the northerns beaches

Around the Home

Excellent climber, often found in shrubs and trees round houses, as well as in roofs

Snake Bite First Aid

The implementation of current first aid is critical immediately after receipt of a bite from a snake. The “pressure-immobilisation” technique is currently recommended by all major health organisations within Australia. In an emergency dial triple zero (000) for an ambulance